Sunday, July 1, 2012

Untitled (July 1,2012)

Rain, please, I beg of you,
Dance your rain drops somewhere new,
His grave is mine, please do not drown,
The son I birthed into the ground,
I ache inside to save his soul,
My heart is empty, filled with holes,
Let me bring him home with me,
To see his smile shine so brightly,
I want to protect, I want to hold,
The hours drag on and make me cold,
Save me, save me, someone please,
My little boy is dead, you see,
This pain is murder, its cruel to me,
Why am I to carry this burden? Why me?

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Untitled (June 21,2012)

Tears falling, slipping, tracing my cheeks in sweet relief,
This pain, this heart break, all the cruelty of grief,
Struggling to fight for this life, longing to slumber for eternity,
But unlike my son, passed before born, truly innocent..I am full of impurity,
The night is silent, echoes of nothingness, the abyss,
Pondering with a wounded heart, what am I destined to miss,
Guilt rips through me, no words comfort now,
Why me? Why us? Could I have saved him somehow?
Missing the sweet cries of life, the beautiful laughs and more,
Why did death come knocking on the door?
My heart is so heavy, my feet shackled to chains,
Dragging myself through the misery and pain,
I didn't hear you laugh or see your smile,
Destined to wait for such a long while,
What color are your eyes? Who would you look like today?
To see your face once more is all that I pray,
I wish they could help me, I wish I could cry,
But when they see my pain, I feel horrible, so I lie,
Inside I am breaking, shattered, barely breathing,
My mind is on edge, I worry for his safe keeping,
The hours drag on of loneliness, of unwanting,
It seems like the world has small babies they're flaunting,
Why don't you call? Am I forgotten so soon?
Do you think I am crazy, a lonely old moon,
I am dead....
A parents worst nightmare I wake to from bed,
Forget me, fine but do not forget,
The baby I carried, my child, is not a regret.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

We Are Nature (June 13,2012)

We are barren trees in a forest,
Stripped of our sprouting leafs,
Blended, yet, out of place,
Awkward, of same species and yet not,
A reminder of emptyness,
An unwanted ugliness to the innocent world.

We are vines, searching, stretching towards a support to lift us from the ground,
Our stories seem to smother you, the details pesky, getting in the way of your growing life,
Outcasted, growing more and more with every passing day,
When will you notice us?

We are wilted flowers, deprived of the life giving rain,
A blemish in the beauty of open fields of blooming roses,
We are cast away in the wind, forgotten, dieing, falling apart,
Becoming one with the earth, sprouting anew with hope and beauty.

By: Andrea Gimlin